Friday, October 7, 2011

Finally Friday

Well it is finally Friday again! This week went by kinda fast!

Here is a sneak peak into my weekend ahead!

Friday-I am attending a Tupperware/Scensty party at a friends house. I will be one of the Tupperware consultants at the party! Yay!

Saturday-I am planning on packing. Since I have moved in with the parentals I have a ton of stuff everywhere. So I want to get it more organized that way on Tuesday night the move will go a little more smoothly :)

Sunday-I need to go over to school and work on grades n such...then probably more packing.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday 5's

Since Thursday is the 5th day in the week I thought I would start a "Thursday 5's". This week the Thursday 5's will be about: The reasons why I love the fall season!

1. I enjoy watching the trees turn from green to all sorts of pretty colors like red, orange, brownish, etc.

2. Cooler days-I am a sucker for the nice medium temps! I enjoy walking in the evening time and feeling the cool crisp air!

3. No air conditioning or heat! Don't you just love having the windows open and smelling the fresh air?

4. Fall decorations. I enjoy driving around and looking at all the nice fall decor that people have displayed!

5. The River. I wish that I had a truck to drive down to the cabin. Because fall is my favorite time down there. I like how the road down to the cabin is covered with leaves and when the truck tires go over them all you hear is crunching. Then when you get down to the cabin the yard is like a blanket of leaves! The water always looks so peaceful, even more so in the fall! Mainly because all the crazy boat people are not on the waterways.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's going on in October!!

Here are some of the things that I have going on in the month of October

*2 Tupperware parties (I am a new consultant!) I am nervous about both of them...but I think I will do fine! If you ever want to earn free Tupperware products don't hesitate to contact me :)

*Moving into my apartment! I am WAY WAY WAY nervous about this. I am scared to be out on my own, but I am ready to make that leap (I think)!

*End of 1st Quarter

*Parent Teacher Conf

*TWO auctions! I love going to auctions!!

*A friend's first birthday party

*Church Halloween Party

Back to Blogging!

Hello Blog World! How have you been? I use to have a blog a while back, but do to some personal issues I deleted it! For this blog I plan on talking about everything that is going on in my life. I plan on being very open and talking about a variety of things! From learning new things on my own to cooking!